Erweiterte Mediensuche


Johanning Volker

Organization and Management of IT

The New Role of IT and the CIO in Digital Transformation

AutorJohanning Volker
QuelleSonstige Datenquellen
VerlagSpringer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Buch | Kartoniert
53,49 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

Beschreibung (Langtext)

This book takes a practical look at how IT organizations need to position themselves optimally in this dynamically changing world and what this means for the leadership of this increasingly important IT. In addition, the book takes a closer look at the topic of managing an IT organization: What is the role and what are the leadership responsibilities of a CIO? How and by what means can an IT organization best be managed? How can complex change processes and transformations be managed? Thus, the book offers a practical guide for organizational change or reorganization of IT with many tips on change management, leadership, and agile methods and approaches in the new IT organization. 

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