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Management of political risks
fundamentals and tools for executives and entrepreneurs
Autor | |
Quelle | Sonstige Datenquellen |
ISBN | 978-3-658-42638-5 |
Lieferbarkeit | lieferbar |
Katalogisat | Basiskatalogisat |
Verlag | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH |
Erscheinungsdatum | 27.10.2023 |
Beschreibung (Langtext)
Political risks are on the rise. The recent past has been characterized by a dominance of geopolitical risks, which have the potential to endanger companies, entire sectors, and even national economies. Furthermore, the expanding regulatory framework, growing national debt, and other factors contribute to the escalation of political risks. The book offers a comprehensive and proven approach to identify and manage such risks. In addition to avoiding and mitigating risks, there is an opportunity to cultivate competitive advantages in navigating these challenges. Throughout the book, three fictional companies—a chemical corporation, an electricity producer, and a commodity trader—accompany the reader and demonstrate how the provided tools can be applied in practical scenarios.