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Watkins Michael

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking

AutorWatkins Michael
QuelleSonstige Datenquellen
VerlagRandom House UK Ltd
Buch | Kartoniert
21,10 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

Beschreibung (Langtext)

How did John F. Kennedy put a man on the moon in just under ten years?

What can chess teach us about actionable insights?

And why should you shake up a business at a time of great success?

All of these questions have their answer in strategic thinking. But what is strategic thinking exactly? Are we born with it, or can we nurture it?

As a distinct and important capability in leaders, strategic thinking is a remarkably poorly defined, little understood concept, confined to management courses and board meetings. But in The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking, world-renowned expert Michael Watkins shows leaders how they can benefit from it, as long as they have the tools to nurture it.

Exploring the six specific mental disciplines that together constitute strategic thinking, each chapter shows how they can create value, and offers prescriptions on how to develop the strategic thinking mindset ourselves. Academically grounded but jargon-free, with real-world examples from all sectors and ages, The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking assesses our innate ability to think strategically, and helps us to cultivate it, leading to better decisions that get proven results.

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