Erweiterte Mediensuche


Picot ArnoldReichwald RalfWigand Rolf T.

The boundaryless enterprise

information, organization & leadership

AutorPicot ArnoldReichwald RalfWigand Rolf T.
QuelleSonstige Datenquellen
VerlagSpringer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
Buch | Gebunden
117,69 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

Beschreibung (Langtext)

This book introduces readers to modern organizational concepts and their consequences for working people in the digital economy. Decentralization, networking, the merging of the physical and virtual worlds, and the ever-increasing interaction of human and artificial intelligence are (re) shaping organization and leadership. Digital technologies are changing the coordination of internal and external organizational processes and require new competencies. The aim of the book is to illustrate these interrelationships in a theoretically sound and practical manner. 

The book is intended for students of business management and practicing business managers alike.

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